Endowing Sponsor: Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe (Germany) Endowment: € 10,000
The aim of the Dr. Willmar Schwabe Research Scholarship for Young Scientists is to support young scientists, especially from developing countries, in a research attachment to a leading research institution. Projects focusing on pharmacological or clinical research of phytopharmaceuticals and their active substances are particularly welcome. The award is exclusively used for travelling and living costs of the awardee, and not for consumables. Duration of the attachment of at least 6 months is mandatory.
Criteria for application
- Advanced PhD students (year 2 onwards), and postdocs.
- In case of similar scientific quality of applications applicants from developing countries shall have priority.
- GA membership for at least one year prior to application, with paid fees.
- Age: preferably 30 years of age (postdocs) or younger (PhD students).
- The hosting institution states in the Letter of Acceptance that (i) it is prepared to cover the cost of consumables used for the research project; (ii) that the student will have an adequate laboratory infrastructure and; (iii) that a tutor is assigned who will supervise the applicant during his/her stay.
Documents for application
- Letter of Motivation (applicant)
- Letter of Support (supervisor)
- CV and list of publications
- Project description including experimental design, time schedule and justification why the research shall be performed in the respective institution
- Letter of Acceptance (hosting institution)
- Confirmation of the host institution to cover the laboratory costs (consumables)
- Specification of costs for travelling and living
The Dr. Willmar Schwabe Research Scholarship for Young Scientists will be granted during the GA-congress. The scientific results of the project shall be presented during the next annual congress, preferably in a short lecture. The awardee has to prepare a final report on the project supported by this grant. This report is to be signed by the head of the host institution. A copy of the signed report has to be sent to the GA president and to Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. KG. In case of publication of the results the award has to be mentioned in the Acknowledgement.
The deadline of submissions is 30. March, 2025. Please send your application to events@ga-online.org (Cornelia Kern, M.A.)