GA Travel Grants

Travel Grants for the GA Annual Conference in Naples, Italy

Deadline for application: March 21st, 2025

GA Travel Grant rules for PhD students from all countries

PhD students who are at least in their 2nd year of regular student GA membership (fee payment status will be checked) and would like to present their scientific results during the GA Annual Conference are eligible for a travel grant. The respective application form can be downloaded here.

In addition to this form, applicants must submit the following documents for review:

  • Letter of recommendation from your supervisor
  • Curriculum vitae (max. 1 page!)
  • Scan of the valid student identity card or an equivalent certification from the university confirming that you are a PhD student
  • Abstract (please check and adhere to the conference guidelines!)
  • Estimation of travel and accommodation costs

The travel grant money can be used to cover travel and accommodation expenses. Please note that the registration fee of the GA conference will be fully waived for all awardees. A fix amount of money will be granted:

  • For PhD GA members from countries with non-reduced fees*, the GA Travel Grant has an amount of 500 EUR.
  • For PhD GA members from countries with reduced fees*, the GA Travel Grant has an amount of 800 EUR.

GA Travel Grant rules for post-docs from countries with reduces fees*

Post-docs only from countries with reduced fees* up to an age of 40 years or max. 10 years after obtaining their PhD, who are at least in their 2nd year of GA membership with paid fees (fee payment status will be checked) and want to present their scientific results during the GA Annual Conference are eligible for a travel grant. The respective application form can be downloaded here.

In addition to this form, applicants must submit the following documents for review: 

  • Curriculum vitae (max. 1 page!)
  • Current publication list
  • Scan of the PhD certificate
  • Abstract (please check and adhere to the conference guidelines!)
  • Estimation of travel and accommodation costs

The travel grant money can be used to cover travel and accommodation expenses. Please note that the registration fee of the GA conference will be fully waived for all awardees. A fix amount of money will be granted:

  • For Post-doc GA members from countries with reduced fees*, the GA Travel Grant has an amount of 1,000 EUR.

General rules that apply to all candidates (both PhD students and post-docs):

  • Only complete applications will be considered for further review.
  • Only one travel grant per category (PhD student / post-doc) can be granted to the same working group.
  • PhD applicants who received a GA travel grant in previous years are not eligible. The number of grants is limited.
  • For the post-doctoral grant only those can apply who did not receive a PhD grant in the year before, and in case of head-to-head evaluation results those will have advantage who never received a PhD grant, or received it a longer time ago.
  • Notification: awardees will be informed at least one week before the deadline of the early bird registration expires.
  • The grants will be handed over at the congress.

Application packages for GA travel grants must be sent only via email latest by March 21st, 2025 to:

PD Dr. Cica Vissiennon
Institute for Medicinal Physics and Biophysics
Medical Faculty, Leipzig University, Germany

Please state in the subject line of your email: “GA Travel Grant”.


*Regular fee countries:
All EU countries, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland; South Africa; USA and Canada; Israel, Japan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arabian Emirates.

All other countries are reduced-fee countries.

Important Notice for Applicants:

Please be aware that the visa application process may take some time. We strongly recommend that you find out about the visa and entry regulations that apply to your country as early as possible. If you require an invitation letter, please contact the congress secretariat promptly.