The most important event of this year for GA is the members’ meeting. A scientific society is as strong as its members and their collaboration. Best place for fostering this is the members’ meeting, where it´s about receiving first-hand information on how our society develops and discussing how to aim for a future with even stronger global research networks and collaborations. So please safe the date of the members’ meeting in your calendar now: September 6, 17:30-20:00 CEST. A dial in information will follow in due time.
And, of course, the most important point of this year´s members’ meeting is the election of the GA Board for the next two-year term, 2022–2023. This is the best chance for you to shape the future of GA, by providing your candidature for board membership. It is important that your view is represented in the board, and your application as a candidate for the Board election is wanted, as a strong step to achieve this. Especially the views and ideas of young members, and the members from Asia and Oceania, Africa and America need a stronger representation in the future board. Please fill the candidate form and submit it by email to our scientific officer, Corny Kern, and to our past president, Anna Rita Bilia.