Dear GA Members, Colleagues and Executives,
At a unique time in the history of humankind, we invite you to gather with us in Dublin on the island of Ireland, under the mantle of the 71st International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA).
We aim to gather together to apply our collective scientific knowledge to address the key challenges that face all societies across the world connected to health, environment, sustainability and geo-politics, by positive engagement with global Natural Capital. The tide of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products is rising. This can be harnessed to drive innovation in medicines, to support a paradigm shift toward health maintenance and disease prevention and to facilitate sustainable innovation and capacity building in a range of sectors to the benefit of communities working with natural resources.
Thus, as an integral part of this intradisciplinary community, we ask you to join us in Dublin where we will bring together the voices of experts and newly emerging talent to stimulate debate and innovation, to create collaborations and to inform policy.
This pivotal meeting will be hosted by NatPro, the Trinity Centre for Natural Products Research, at Trinity College in Dublin from the 2nd to the 5th July 2023. The university is positioned in a beautiful campus in the heart of Dublin’s city. It is a historic university with impact that spans over 400 years and is Ireland’s highest ranked university, within the top 100 universities in the world. At the NatPro Centre, we aim to inspire people to make transformative changes to leave healthier lives, focusing on delivering innovative life science solutions derived from nature. The Centre is based at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, which is ranked 25th globally (QS Global Rankings).
The GA2023 Congress will have a special focus on ‘Unlocking Nature’s Pharmacy for a Sustainable Future’, offering a platform for exchange of international science and innovative ideas in the broad field of natural products with applications across a range of sectors. It will offer networking opportunities through a program of plenary and keynote lectures, round tables, discussion fora, posters, match making events, workshops and exhibitions. We look forward to welcoming you in Dublin to embrace the Irish spirit that blends traditions with innovation.
Here’s ‘Cead Míle Fáilte’
to Friend and to Rover
That’s a greeting that’s Irish
as Irish can be
It means you are welcome
A thousand times over
Wherever you come from
Whoever you be.
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee,
Prof. Helen Sheridan and Dr Gaia Scalabrino
For further information visit the congress-site or download the programme preview here.