Workhop documents (67th Annual Meeting in Innsbruck, 2019)
- How some suppliers attempt to fool commonly used analytical techniques by Stefan Gafner, PhD (click here for the presentation)
- Access and Benefit Sharing, Practical Advice by Dr. Bruno David (click here for the poster)
Workshop documents (61st Annual Congress in Münster, 2013)
Workshop of the Permanent Committee on Regulatory Affairs of Herbal Medicinal Products: “Harmonisation of Health Claims in Europe”
- Health claims for botanical food supplements: approach and consequences for the regulatory framework by P. Coppens
- Efficacy and safety regulations and scientific criteria applicable to traditional botanical food supplements and herbal medicinal products marketed in the European Union by V. Silano
- Why do we have for health claims different criteria between plant based food supplements and herbal medicinal products? by R. Anton
- Herbal medicinal products in the EC; indications versus claims; an up-to-date scientific view by I. Chinou
Workshop documents (59th Annual Congress in Antalya, 2011)
Workshop 2: Workshop of the Permanent Committee on Biological and Pharmacological Activity of Natural Products: “Natural Herbs & dietary supplements for the management of Metabolic Syndrome”
- Identification of PPARɣ agonists from natural sources by K. Christensen
- Genetic & nutrient determinants of the Metabolic Syndrome (Nutrigenomics) by H. Daniel
Workshop 3 of the Permanent Committee on Regulatory Affairs of Herbal Medicinal Products: “What regulation for botanical food supplements and (traditional) herbal medicinal products in the European Union: Is a harmonization between the member states possible?”
- Regulatory Options for (Traditional) Herbal Medicinal Products by W. Knoess
- Botanical Food Supplements: Regulatory Situation in the EU by P. Coppens
- Quality of Herbal Medicinal Products and Food Supplements: EU Regulation and Practical Experience by H. Sievers
- Traditional Herbal Drugs and Botanical Dietary Supplements: The Italian Experience by P. Morazzoni
Workshop 6: Workshop of the Permanent Committees on Breeding and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants and Manufacturing and Quality Control of HMPs: “Contaminants in starting materials from an industrial and production point of view”
- Introduction by C. Erdelmeier
- Environmental Contaminants – Heavy Metals Origin – Analytical Methods – Points to Consider by A. Hofmann
- The Application of Pesticides in the Production of Medicinal Plants in China by M. Yang
- Legal requirements for the control of contaminants in herbal medicinal products by B. Steinhoff
- Pesticide testing according to the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph.Eur.) – legal requirements and practical approach by B. Klier
Workshop documents (58th Annual Congress in Berlin, 2010)
Workshop 3 of the Permanent Committee on Regulatory Affairs of Herbal Medicinal Products: “The importance of a risk-benefit analysis for the marketing authorization and/or registration of (traditional) herbal medicinal products (HMPs)”
- Introduction by A. Vlietinck
- Taking the risk of the benefit: the unbalanced situation of herbal medicinal products by G. Laekeman
- European practice: experiences with a risk-benefit analysis of HMPs for the elaboration of ESCOP monographs by B. Steinhoff
- European practice: Well-established use of herbal medicinal products and clinical research by G. Meng
Workshop documents (57th Annual Congress in Geneva, 2009)
Workshop 3 of the Permanent Committees on Manufacturing and Quality Control of Herbal Remedies and on Regulatory Affairs of Herbal Medicinal Products: “How useful are herbal extracts of the European Pharmacopoeia for the development of herbal medicinal products?”
- Solvents and phytochemical profiles of selected herbal extract monographs of Ph Eur. and the consequences for the equivalence of Herbal Medicinal Preparations by B. Meier
- The importance of extract monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia for the quality reviewer in Switzerland by B. Heneka
- Viewpoint of the European Pharmacopoeia by M. Wierer
- Herbal Extracts of the European Pharmacopoeia – Viewpoint of the European Regulators by R. Länger
- Viewpoint of the pharmaceutical industry by K. Helliwell
Workshop 5 of the Permanent Committee on Breeding and Cultivation of Medical Plants: “Genetic Resources, Conservation and Breeding”
- Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) Conservation Programme in Europe by D. Baričevič
- Genetic Resources, Conservation and Breeding by C. Carlen
Workshop documents (56th Annual Congress in Athens, 2008)
Workshop of the GA on Regulatory Affairs on Herbal Medicinal Products: Medicinal Herbs: drugs or dietary supplements? What are the legal consequences in terms of quality, safety and efficacy of each option?
- Introduction by S. Alban
- Viewpoint of the European Regulatory Authorities by A. Vlietinck
- Viewpoint of the German Regulatory Authorities by W. Knöss
- Viewpoint of the European Pharmaceutical Industry by H. Sievers
- Viewpoint of the US Regulatory Authorities by V. Frankos
- Viewpoint of the US Industry by M. McGuffin
Workshop documents (55th Annual Congress in Graz, 2007)
Workshop 1 of the Permanent Committee on Regulatory Affairs of HMPs: “Importance of HMPC community monographs and community list entries for the marketing authorisation and registration of herbal medicinal products in Europe”
- Introduction by A.J. Vlietinck
- European regulator’s perspective on implementation by K. Keller
- National regulator’s perspective on implementation by H. Pittner
- Phytotherapeutical association’s perspective on implementation by B. Steinhoff
- Viewpoint of the pharmaceutical industry by B. Roether
- Viewpoint of the producers of food supplements by P. Coppens
Workshop 2 of the Permanent Committee on Manufacturing and Quality Control of Herbal Remedies: “Pharmacokinetics of herbal medicinal products – useful or not?”
- Introduction by B. Meier
- View of the national competent authority of Austria (AGES PharmMed) by R. Länger
- Pharmacokinetics of different Echinacea purpurea Moench and Ginkgo biloba L. preparations by K. Wölkart
- Pharmacokinetics of HMPs – The industrial R&D perspective by F. Lang
Workshop 3 of the Permanent Committee on Biological and Pharmacological Activity of Natural Products: “Models for testing addictive behaviour”
- Operant animal models for drug-seeking behaviour by P. Bäckström
Workshop 4 of the Permanent Committee on Breeding and Cultivation of Medical Plants: “Identification and authentication of plant starting materials”
- Current problems with the identification of herbal drugs by B. Klier
- HPTLC for identification and quality control of medicinal plants by E. Reich
- DNA based identification and authentication of medicinal plants and extracts by J. Novak
Workshop documents (54th Annual Congress in Helsinki, 2006)
Workshop 2 of the Permanent Committee on Breeding and Cultivation of Medical Plants: “Plant Intellectual Property Rights”
- Plant Intellectual Property Rights by Ch. Franz
- ProBenefit by C. Krück
Workshop 2 of the Permanent Committee on Manufacturing and Quality Control of Herbal Medicinal Products: “Reference Compounds”
- How much of Quality and Identity do we need? by K. Reif
- European Pharmacopoeia Reference Standards for Herbal Drugs and Preparations by U. Rose
- Quality Control Botanicals by R. Verpoorte
Workshop documents (53rd Annual Congress in Florence, 2005)
Workshop 1 of the Permanent Committee on Manufacturing and Quality Control of Herbal Remedies: “The Practice of Dissolution Testing in Herbal Medicinal Products”
- Dissolution testing of herbal medicinal products – Viewpoint of the regulatory authority by W. Knoess
- The impact of dosage forms by A.R. Bilia
- HMPs containing comminuted herbal drugs by H. Sievers
Workshop 3 of the Permanent GA Committee on Regulatory Affairs of HMPs: “How to implement the new legislation on HMPs in Europe?”
- Introduction by A.J. Vlietinck
- Viewpoint of the European regulatory authorities by K. Keller
- Viewpoint of the national regulatory authorities by V. Silano
- Viewpoint of the pharmaceutical industry by L. Kabelitz
Workshop 4 of the Permanent GA Committee on Breeding and Cultivation of Medical Plants: “Good Practices, Standards and Certifications of Starting Materials”
- Development of an International Standard for Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ISSC-MAP) by B. Pätzold
- Good Agricultural Practice and Good Wildcrafting Practice, present and future by R. Iguera
- Good Practices, Standards and Certification of Starting Materials – Contribution of the Herbal Medicinal Products Industry (AESGP) by B. Steinhoff
Statement regarding Kava preparations
Workshop documents (51st Annual Congress in Kiel, 2003)
Workshop 1: “The potential of Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a non-invasive method in the quality control of Herbal Substances, Herbal Preparations and Herbal Medicinal Products”
- Questions to discuss by B. Meier
- Introduction into the method by G. Roos
- Can NIRS replace complex quantitative methods? Example:Echinacea species by H. Schulz
- Determination of essential oil content in herbal drugs by NIRS by G. Schultzki
- Is it possible to characterise extracts by NIRS? Example:Harpagophytum procumbens by H. Schulz
- Identification of extracts by G. Roos
- Verification of content uniformity in Hypericum perforatum powder blends by G. Roos
- NIRS in quality control – regulatory aspects by M. Diller
- Workshop report by B. Meier (includes contact addresses of the referees)
Workshop 3: “Hot Topic: Latest developments in German health policy and the impact on the future of herbal medicinal products (HMPs)”
- Recent developments in German health policy: Non-Rx products delisted? by B. Eberwein
- The legal framework for herbal medicinal products in Europe, including reimbursment status by B. Steinhoff
- Efficacy and safety – basic requirements for HMP in self-medication and prescription by L. Krenn
- Kiel Resolution der GA (in Deutsch/in German)
Workshop 5: “Recent EU-regulatory issues and legislative initiatives on HMPs”
- Introduction by A. Vlietinck
- Herbal preparations as medicinal products by O. Petrini
- Herbal preparations as food supplements or nutraceuticals by M. Hanssen
- Current European regulations on herbal preparations as medicinal or food products by K. Keller