Procedure and
Application Forms
To become a GA member, please fill in the online application form below and submit it.
Once your application has been approved, you will receive an e-mail from the GA secretary to send supporting documents (e.g. student ID) and proceed to payment.
Membership Fees
Regular membership fee for 1 year:
Reduced/student membership fee for 1 year
Supporting membership fee for 1 year
Regular membership fee for 5 years
with 10% discount
Reduced membership fee for 5 years
with 10% discount
Supporting membership fee for 5 years
with 10% discount
Planta Medica online subscription from 1953
Planta Medica online subscription from 1998
Payment Options
Option 1: SEPA Direct Debit
(for members in the SEPA area):
To save costs for the Society, the preferable way of payment should be by “direct debiting“.
If we are not in possession of your authorisation to collect your annual membership fee by „direct debiting“, kindly fill out this form and send it back to us duly signed.
Option 2: Bank Transfers
HypoVereinsbank Neumarkt
account no.: 1 180 226 679
bank code: 760 200 70
IBAN: DE07 7602 0070 1180 2266 79
Option 3: Payment by PayPal
Regular membership fee for 1 year:
Reduced/student membership fee for 1 year
Supporting membership fee for 1 year
Regular membership fee for 5 years
with 10% discount
Reduced membership fee for 5 years
with 10% discount
Supporting membership fee for 5 years
with 10% discount
Planta Medica online subscription from 1953
Planta Medica online subscription from 1998