Advisory Board


Prof Dr Alessandra Braca

Department of Pharmacy, University of Pisa
Via Bonanno 30
56126 Pisa

Phone: +39 050 570322

Natural products chemistry, extraction, isolation and identification of new biologically active natural compounds, botanicals quality control

Member of YRW since 2014, Egon-Stahl-Award in Silver in 2007, Editor of Planta Medica since 2016, Secretary of the Italian Society of Phytochemistry and Science of Medicinal, Food and Fragrant plants (SIF) during the years 2004-2009

GA as the leader Society in the development of projects concerning medicinal plants; new ideas and project exchange between young researchers; promoting the interaction between GA and SIF


Dr Antigoni Cheilari

Laboratory of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry
Department of Pharmacy
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Panepistimiopolis Zografou, 15771

Phone: +30 2107274524

Search of new lead compounds of plant origin.
Recording and assessing information of folk medicine in the Balkans.
Discovery of bioactive compounds from medicinal plants of ethnopharmacological sources.
Development and application of (q)NMR methodologies for the quality control of medicinal plants.
Application of chemometrics approaches for the discovery of novel bioactive molecules.
NMR and LC-MS -based metabolic profiling, FCPC and HPTLC.
Valorization of medicinal and aromatic plants by-products.

Admin of:


Dr Emerson Ferreira Queiroz

Phytochimie et Produits Naturels Bioactifs
Ecole de Pharmacie Genève Lausanne
Section des Sciences Pharmaceutiques
Université de Genève CMU –
Rue Michel-Servet 1, 1211 GENEVE 4, Switzerland
OFFICE number B06.1715a (6th floor of the CMU 5 building)

Phone: +41 22 379 3641
Fax: +41 22 379 3399

Lead discovery based on bioactive natural products, metabolite profiling using hyphenated techniques, preparative chromatography, biotransformation

Member of the GA Advisory Board, Editorial Board Member of Phytochemistry, Associate Editor of the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society

Work to achieve excellence
The GA must be a “world organization”.
Use videos (“webinars”) to share knowledge
Use the web to promote the GA and attract new members
Organization of training workshops for young scientists
in developing countries (example: African network)


Prof Dr Robert Fürst

LMU München
Pharmazeutische Biologie
Department Pharmazie
Butenandtstr. 5-13, 81377 München

Phone: +49/89/2180 77172

Molecular pharmacology of natural products with a special focus on their actions on vascular endothelial cells (inflammation, angiogenesis, metastasis)

Elected Member of the GA Advisory Board since 2016;
Head of the GA Working Group “Young Researchers” since 2016; Co-Editor-in-Chief of Planta Medica since 2019
My aims as member of the GA BoD are:

  • To foster the impact and visibility of GA in particular in the group of young scientists (e.g. by webinars, workshops etc.)
  • To further increase the scientific success of the societies’ official publication organ Planta Medica.

Dr Stefan Gafner

Chief Scientific Officer
American Botanical Council
6200 Manor Rd
Austin, TX 78723, US

Phone: +1 512-926-4900
Fax: +1 512-926-2345

Stefan is the technical director of the ABC-AHP-NCNPR Botanical Adulterants Prevention Program (BAPP), editor of the Botanical Adulterants Monitor, and writes articles for HerbalGram and HerbalEGram. 

He is one of the ABC experts providing answers to inquiries from ABC members. 

Stefan has been with ABC since 2013

Maria Halabalaki

Assoc. Prof Dr Maria Halabalaki

Division of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry
Department of Pharmacy
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
Panepistimioupoli Zografou

Phone: +30 210 727 4781

Egon Stahl award in silver in 2015

Natural products (NP) chemistry, qualitative and quantitative determination of NP in different matrices (extracts, final products, biological fluids, feces), metabolization studies, quality control, LC-MS and NMR-based metabolomics

Member of GA since 2003 and new member of the GA advisory board


Prof Dr Luiz Carlos Klein Júnior

School of Health Sciences, University of Vale do Itajaí
Rua Uruguai, 456
88302202 Itají/SC

Phone: +55 47 3341 7540

Pharmacognosy, the use of chemometrics to study natural products, pharmaceutical chemistry.

Member of the Advisory Board of GA; Egon-Stahl-Award in Silver in 2021.

It would be my main interest to create a highly cooperative environment, where new connections could be created, particularly between young researchers and well established groups.

GScalabrino GA BoD c

Dr Gaia Scalabrino

NatPro Executive Director
NatPro, Trinity Centre for Natural Products Research
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Trinity College Dublin
The University of Dublin
Dublin 2

Phone: +353 1 896 2828

I am multicultural, raised in Africa and Europe, bringing international life science expertise throughout the commercialisation pathway of product development activities, including quality, safety and efficacy.

As the Executive Director of NatPro, I work with natural products to benefit health and the bioeconomy. As a consultant, I advanced SMEs product portfolios. Further, I drove a start-up from university bench to a clinical biotech.

My aims as GA Board Member:

  • Stimulate transdisciplinary collaborations between academia, industry and stakeholders.
  • Promote innovative approaches to deliver impactful, sustainable bio-based solutions.
  • Contribute to good quality processes to support governance.

Prof Krystyna Skalicka-Woźniak

Department of Chemistry of Natural Products
Medical University of Lublin
1 Chodzki Street,
20-093 Lublin, Poland

Phone: +48 81 448 7086
Fax: +48 81 448 7080

Pharmacognosy, natural products, chomatography, bio-activity guided isolation

Member of GA Travel Grant Committee, Head of the Committee in 2018
Member of Work Group “Young Researchers”
General Secretary of PSE

Aim: a) to use own expirience in organisation of new events and projects like eg. Webinars b) to concentrate on young scientists joining GA and suport young generation d) to extend collaboration between other organisation in order to develop scientific work related to medicinal plants


PD Dr Cica Vissiennon

(1) Universität Leipzig
Medizinische Fakultät
Institut für Medizinische Physik und Biophysik
Härtelstr. 16-18, 04107 Leipzig, Germany

(2) Repha GmbH Biologische Arzneimittel
Alt-Godshorn 87, 30855 Langenhagen, Germany

Phone: +49 341 97 15 708
Fax: +49 341 97 15 709

Pharmacology; Phytochemistry; Ethnomedicine of Western Africa

GA African Research Network (chair)

„Eine Schule für Kingon e.V.” (non-profit society for the promotion of primary education in West Africa)

I believe that the scientific exploration and preservation of our natural medicinal heritage is of utmost importance and needs to be supported especially in less developed countries.
I therefore strive to foster the development of supportive network structures in these regions to support especially young scientists in their scientific development.

(1.1. 2022 – 31.12. 2023)